The Gift Guide

The Best Luxury Gifts for Every Pastime, Passion and Hobby

The Best Luxury Gifts for Pastimes and Passions

Sometimes the best gift is the one that helps fuel your favorite pastime, hobby or personal passion. With that in mind, Team Dandelion Chandelier has curated a set of luxury holiday gift guides filled with ideas for gifts for every favorite off-duty pursuit: our thoughts on what to buy that will best fuel their pastimes, hobbies and passions. From travel, sports, tech and fitness to books, movies and music, if someone on your list is wild about a topic or activity, we’ve got ideas on what luxury gifts would be best to buy for them this holiday.

the best luxury gifts for favorite pastimes, hobbies and passions this holiday season

1. Travel

You probably have someone in your life who loves to travel, and for whom you need a gift this holiday season. Perhaps they travel for the joy of it – filled with wanderlust and a need to explore. Or maybe they do it for work, or to fulfill other obligations.

our luxury gift guide of the best for pastimes and passions this holiday

Our luxury gift guide of the best for pastimes and passions this holiday.

From stress-reducing self care products to sleep aides to noise-cancelling headphones to an indestructible yet chic roller bag, we’ve found over 30 of the best cool travel gifts for someone who loves to travel. These will help your favorite globetrotter make it through their next adventure like a pro. Check out the list here.

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2. Fitness

Just about everyone has a fitness buff on their holiday gift list. Or someone who is happiest when they’re hiking, kayaking or otherwise doing something active outdoors.

our luxury gift guide of the best for favorite pastimes and passions this holiday

Our luxury gift guide of the best for favorite pastimes and passions this holiday.

What’s the best luxury gift for the person who is serious about fitness, whether they prefer a workout at home, hiking, yoga or even a socially distanced return to their favorite boutique gym? Here are over 30 of our top picks.

3. Tech Gear and Gadgets

Do you have a tech junkie in your life who geeks out on all the latest gadgets? They’re the ones who are already on a waiting list for the next brand new shiny toy before it hits the stores. They can spout off release dates of the new Apple products and detail how they’ve changed from last year’s model. This breed is pretty hard to keep up with and admittedly, very intimidating to shop for.

Our resident tech expert is sharing his thoughts in our ultimate luxury gift guide of the best new tech gear and gadgets that your favorite early adopter will love this holiday season. Just click here.

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4. Bibliophiles

Is someone on your gift list a bookworm? Or perhaps you, yourself, are devoted to all things literary? If books, libraries, and bookstores are a big part of the life of your gift recipient – or if you’re looking for a treat for yourself – we’ve got some ideas for you.

our luxury gift guide of the best for favorite pastimes and passions this holiday

Our luxury gift guide of the best for favorite pastimes and passions this holiday.

Conventional wisdom would dictate that the perfect gift for a bibliophile is what else, but… a book. Although that’s hardly a no-brainer, unless you know the gift recipient’s favorite authors and genres. And even then, there’s no guarantee that your gift isn’t already on their bookshelf or nightstand.

Instead, we’ve come up with some book-adjacent gifts for that special bookworm in your life that will demonstrate your thoughtfulness and creativity. And for the bookworms themselves, these gifts will add a new luxurious dimension to their reading experience, whether at home in a cozy chair or on the go. Have a look here.

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5. Film Buffs

In need of a luxury gift for a movie lover, film fanatic, cinephile or cineaste? (Don’t you love how many cool ways there are to say the same thing?)

our luxury gift guide of the best for pastimes and passions this holiday

Our luxury gift guide of what to buy that best suits the pastimes, hobbies and passions for everyone on your list this holiday.

Do you know someone who is absolutely obsessed with movies? Maybe this person follows all the latest news from behind the scenes. Maybe they attend film festivals and read reviews. They may even want to make films themselves.

If like some people, you personally don’t share that passion, you may be at a bit of a loss for what to give the budding director or cineaste in your life when gift-giving time rolls around. Whether its for a birthday, holiday gift, or to mark some other special occasion, fear not. We’ve got lots of ideas for you, here.

6. Music

Music lovers are a fun bunch to have around. They always have entertaining stories that start with “I went to this concert once where…” And if you’re ever at a loss for what to do on a Saturday night, they can be trusted to offer a suggestion to a live music venue you’ve never heard of. Fortunately, this makes up for all the times they laugh and correct your butchered lyrics to that pop song!

Our luxury gift guide of what to buy as the best gifts for favorite pastimes, hobbies and passions this holiday.

What’s the perfect present for a music aficionado? Whether its a new music tech gadget, a memoir from a rock star, album cover art or rock and roll designer fashion, we’ve got ideas on what to buy as the best luxury gifts for a music lover or anyone with music-related hobbies, here. We’ve got something for every budget and things that work for different musical genres from classical to pop. Rock & roll!

7. pro sports fans

Here’s a common holiday gifting dilemma: someone in your life loves pro sports, and they’re passionate about a particular team. They also have a good eye and refined taste. Or a wicked sense of humor. So the usual T-shirt, hat or team sweatshirt is just not going to get the job done.

luxury gifts favorite hobbies

luxury gifts favorite hobbies

Enter our ultimate luxury gift guide on what to give for holiday or Christmas gifts this year to pro sports fans who love the NFL, NBA, MLB or NHL. Get their game on without breaking a sweat, here.

the best luxury gifts for favorite pastimes, hobbies and passions this holiday season

That’s our guide for the best luxury gifts to help foster the favorite hobbies, passions and pastimes of every person on your list. From travel, sports, tech and fitness to books, movies and music, if someone on your list is wild about a topic or activity, we’ve got ideas on what luxury gifts would be best to buy for them this holiday. Happy shopping! And gift wisely.

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