Month: August 2020

where to buy the best face child-sized face masks for kids

What Are the Best Face Masks for Kids Right Now?

As fall settles in, studies resume and flu season rears its ugly head, it’s time to ensure that the little ones in our lives are well-protected from coronavirus. Which means social distancing, good personal hygiene – and face masks. Finding a mask for your child that fits properly, is comfortable, and also jaunty enough to keep everyone’s spirits up, is no small task. So, what are the best face masks for kids right now? Our correspondent (and mom of three) Jillian Tangen has curated a list of the best face masks to buy for kids right now.  

top black fine jewelry designers and brands

Who Are the Top Black Fine Jewelry Designers Right Now?

If you’re interested in a being a strong ally, or you want to put more of your luxury spending back into your own community, here’s one way to do so. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the top haute joillarie and fine jewelry designers from the black community. The next time you’re in the market for a pretty bauble, add these sensational black-owned luxury brands and African-American jewelry designers to your list!