Month: July 2020

what are the best films to watch to better understand black lives and racism in America?

What are the Best Insightful Films About Black Lives?

Right now, many people are looking for ways to be better allies to the black community. And that begins with an earnest attempt to understand the lived black experience in your nation. There are many ways to do so. One is by watching one or more of the masterful films about black lives and race in America. There are hundreds of them, and our resident cineaste Abbie Martin Greenbaum has curated a list of excellent films to start with. What movies are the best to watch to better understand black lives and the corrosive effects of racism? These are our picks of the best, most insightful films to watch right now to better understand, empathize and support the Black Lives Matter movement. Don’t miss this moment, dear reader.

What are the best earrings to wear with a face mask?

The Best Luxury Earrings Easy to Wear with a Face Mask

Now that face masks are the necessary new accessory for all of our away-from-home adventures, the fashion industry has exploded with options for fabulous designer face masks. Which raises a new fashion dilemma: what are the best luxury earrings easy to wear with a face mask? On a recent lunch with a dear friend who is in our bubble, we paired a face mask and danging earrings and spent way too much time fussing around and untangling them from the mask straps. To avoid that same annoying distraction, here are our picks for the best face mask-friendly designer luxury stud earrings.