The Lists

The Pandemic Playlist: The Best Music for Quarantine Mode

what's the best music playlist for the coronavirus pandemic quarantine mode?

What is the appropriate soundtrack for the times we are living in right now? As we all keep watch, stay home, and learn how to live with the “new normal” brought to us by COVID-19, it’s a complicated question. What are the songs to help us stay sane while working from home and staying safe at home? Our correspondent and resident DJ Julie Chang Murphy has developed a “Pandemic Playlist” with her top picks of the best music to stay sane during quarantine mode. Take three deep cleansing breaths, and then press play here.

what’s the best music playlist for pandemic quarantine?

When there is an invisible menace outside the front door (or on your doorknob). And everyone looks like a bank robber, with wary eyes darting suspiciously over their masks.

the best playlist for staying at home

What’s the best playlist for staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic?

When all of your friends who used to remove the top slice of bread off their sandwiches because they were minimizing carbs are now boasting about baking loaf after loaf of crusty bread.

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At those times, you just gotta laugh. And cry. Then scream. And then, laugh again. You know what we mean.

what’s the best music playlist for the coronavirus pandemic quarantine mode?

We’ve been experiencing quite a wide range of quarantine moods. While it’s understandable – given how our daily habits and societal norms have literally changed overnight – there’s still a nagging feeling that we should rise above it. Keep being productive! Don’t forget to work out! Start the next great American novel!

Yeah, right.

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Whatever your method for dealing with the madness, we support you. For us, gallows humor is essential. And we’ve found it not in watching stand-up comedy, but music.

songs to stay sane working from home

What are the best songs to help us stay sane while working from home?

Over-the-top ballads about being alone, off-beat and macabre songs that acknowledge the strangeness of our times, and even optimistic dance tunes that seem to laugh at our lockdown predicament.

They all have their place in our Pandemic Playlist.

When the going gets tough, the tough manage their emotions by embracing their vulnerability. And getting a little ironic with it.

what’s the best playlist for staying sane while staying home? bring the crazy!


mood music for quarantine mode

That’s it. Our picks for the best playlist for staying safe and sane at home during these incredibly challenging times. What’s the best jam on your personal pandemic playlist?

Whatever mood you may be in at the moment, just try to remember that after the storm comes the rainbow.

Stay safe and healthy, dear reader. We’ll get through this together – with a few good tunes to fortify us.

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Crediting her training as a cultural anthropologist at Wellesley College, Julie has immersed herself in various industries in the last 15 years including fashion design, event planning, and fitness. Julie lives in New York where she loves trying every ramen and dumpling restaurant with her husband and three children. She finds joy in bold prints, biographies of fierce women, kickboxing. And spending way too long finding the perfect polish color to express her mood.

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