Month: December 2019

how to see beloved holiday movie on the big screen

How to Watch a Beloved Holiday Movie on a Big Screen

As we compiled our list of the best holiday-themed movies of all time, we discovered that watching them at home is but one option. Of course, cuddling up with a cozy blanket and some snacks in your PJ’s is one way to go. But if you want to make watching a beloved classic holiday movie into a bigger event, head to a theater holding a holiday film festival on the big screen. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum shares how to watch your favorite film on a big screen this holiday season in cities across the US.

The best Christmas decorations in New York this year

The Best Christmas Decorations in New York this Year

If you’re dreaming of New York City during the holiday season, but can’t make it here in person, why not take a virtual vacation? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a photo journal of the best Christmas decorations in New York this year, including iconic store windows, lights and light shows, and towering Christmas trees. Here’s a glimpse of our sparkling city during one of the best times of the year.