Month: November 2019

quotes about friendship between women

What Are Some of the Best Quotes about Female Friendship?

Thank you for being a friend, traveled down the road and back again – your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant. We still remember that snappy opening song from the iconic television series Golden Girls, which was all about female friendship and its power to sustain us. Our ace film critic and correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has rounded up some of the best quotes about the importance of female friends and friendship between women. Here’s our list of favorite quotes about female friendship from some of our favorite movies and television shows.

luxury brands embrace new codes of masculinity and what it means to be a man

How Luxury Brands Are Embracing New Codes of Masculinity

As holiday gift-giving season rolls around, we’ve noticed that some leading global luxury brands are joining in the secular trend toward a much broader definition of what it means to be “masculine.” Here’s how traditional and new digitally-native luxury brands are responding to and sometimes embracing new codes of masculinity in luxury jewelry, makeup and handbags for men.