Month: March 2019

luxury lessons: what you need to know about hudson yards

The long-awaited opening of the ultra-luxurious development in New York City, Hudson Yards, is finally here. In our ongoing series, Luxury Lessons, we’ve got the run-down on everything you need to know about this dazzling new addition to the luxury landscape in Manhattan. Shopping, restaurants, art and more. Consider this a West Side Story about a dazzling new level of luxury.

The Best Movies to Watch to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Every month, our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum shares her insights and tips on all things cinematic. From film festivals to must-see new releases – and of course, the awards season – she’ll be our expert guide to the silver screen. In this dispatch, Greenbaum shares her list of the best movies to watch to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. These films are either set in Ireland, or feature lead characters who are Irish. You can add these to the list of the top films you need to see this March.

best places in the world to celebrate st. patrick’s day

Saint Patrick’s Day is a joyful time, and it can also be a perfect time to take a mini-vacation. But where to go? The top trips have some historic or thematic tie to the holiday, and a luxurious hotel to stay in, and at least one fantastic party, or parade, or wild bacchanalia. Good food and drink are preferred, but not required. If money is no object, and you can get away for a few days, here’s our list of the best places in the world to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.

news to know in the world of fine dining this march

Every month, our Food Editor Nicole Douillet shares her top headlines from the world of food and wine. In this edition, she’s sharing the restaurant news and fine dining trends you need to know for March 2019. Curious about the big events in the world of food and drink this month? Click here. For the latest in restaurant tech, click here.