Month: March 2019

How to Find a Perfect Rental on Martha’s Vineyard 2019

Looking for the perfect home to rent on Martha’s Vineyard for summer 2019? Have a look at our 9-step guide to finding the perfect luxury rental. And assess which of the 5 tribes of Martha’s Vineyard is yours. Then check out some of the specific fun facts and good things to know that we’ve uncovered, as well as some specific properties that are currently for rent that caught our eye. Summer’s almost here!

luxury lessons: what you need to know about astrology

Astrology has long been a luxury service. Rich people have relied on trusted astrologers pretty much since the dawn of time. Why? Dear reader, there are lots of reasons. In our ongoing quest to explore modern luxury, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has collected insights, tips and recommendations on the use of astrology, especially among the wealthy. Who uses an astrologer and why? And how to find a reputable astrologer? Here’s what you need to know about astrology right now.

A Manager’s Take on the Best Films of SXSW 2019

What were the best films at SXSW 2019? Well, of course, Jordan Peele’s Us. But what else? Our correspondent Lillian Pontius-Goldblatt sat down for a chat about the Film track at SXSW and the top picks for movies we should all keep an eye out for in the coming weeks. In the process she also uncovered some tips for how to experience films at SXSW in the best way possible – especially if you’re going for the first time.

The Best Summer Music Festivals in the World 2019

Summer music festival season is almost here, and our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has rounded up 25 summer music festivals around the world that are the best of the best for 2019. You’ll find hip-hop, R&B, EDM, alternative, world, rock and pop music on this list. The good news? You can spend every weekend between Memorial Day and Labor Day at a sensational outdoor music festival somewhere in the world.