
See Luxury in a New Light with Designer Jessie Randall

The Dandelion Chandelier Luminary Café is the place to find a series of personal interviews with fascinating people who are stellar achievers in their chosen field of endeavor. Our Luminaries are sharing their origin stories, life philosophies, secret songs, guilty pleasures and hidden talents. In this edition, we interview founder and designer Jessie Randall of the luxury accessories brand Loeffler Randall.

jessie randall’s biography

launching a company

Jessie Randall is the founder and Creative Director of luxury brand Loeffler Randall. She founded the company with her husband Brian in 2005 out of their garden apartment in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. Jessie named her first pump after her chic grandmother, Harriet.

CFDA honors

Bergdorf Goodman picked up the Loeffler Randall footwear collection in its first season. Jessie went on to win the CFDA’s Swarovski Award for Accessory Design in 2007.

where to find loeffler randall

Loeffler Randall is currently sold in over 300 retailers worldwide. The collection has expanded from shoes to handbags since launch. LR is a small, family-owned business built by and for unique, creative women. 

Jessie grew up in Worcester, MA and graduated from the University of Virginia. She and Brian now live in Park Slope, Brooklyn with their three children: Casper, Clementine, and Harry. In her spare time Jessie likes to write, read and learn new craft skills like sewing and knitting.

Recently, we sat down with Jessie recently to learn more about her work and life, and how she thinks about modern luxury.

our interview with jessie randall

Tell us your life philosophy in 6 words or less.

I don’t know if I can do it in only 6 words but I try number one to be a loving, affectionate, supportive mom. It’s important to me to express myself creatively and always continue to learn. And I try to be a kind human as I go about those things.

How did you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

I always dreamed of being brave enough to think I could be a designer. One day I decided to go for it. When it comes to fashion, I have always loved shoes more than anything. So when we were starting the company my husband said we have to start with shoes.

Photo by Kelsey Ann Rose (

Who lights you up?

My kids. Everything I do is for them (Casper 11, Clementine 11 and Harry 8)

How do you like to celebrate?

My dream celebration would be dinner with my family with a fun dessert and maybe some sparklers or a relaxing weekend away with some friends with beach time, fitness classes and massages.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Where would you stay?

My number one favorite place on earth is Round Hill in Jamaica. I go every year for Christmas. I just got back from Oaxaca City and loved it! Next I want to go to the part of Oaxaca on the water. A other few places on my list: Marrakech, India, Sweden and any place that’s warm. I love warm weather.

Round Hill Jamaica

What’s the last new food item that you tried for the first time? Did you like it?

I’m such a picky, unadventurous eater. Not something I’m proud of, but it’s the truth. This past summer I did the whole 30 diet and it forced me to eat lots of things I don’t usually eat. It was good for me to do.

What song is on your playlist that people would be surprised by?

I like lots of different kinds of music. But people would probably be surprised by the country music on my phone.

What’s your favorite form of exercise?

I love Soul Cycle because it’s only 45 minutes and such a fun, great workout. I also love the Class by Taryn Toomey. But that’s only for the times when I feel like I am in good shape, because it’s very hard. I’ve recently been going to restorative yoga on Sunday nights with my son and I love that. In the summer I take a hot yoga class and I always feel amazing afterwards.

Who is your favorite artist?

I collect ceramic pieces by the Japanese artist Makoto Kagoshima. They are so beautiful. I get them from a gallery in Venice, California and they are very hard to come by. When I piece becomes available I get so excited.

Chariots on Fire by Makoto Kagoshima

What are you reading right now?

I have this thing on my Instagram where I list in Stories all the books I’m reading. I read a ton. Since I don’t really watch TV, I spend a lot of time reading.

The books I read recently are: The Bold World by Jodie Patterson, Inheritance by Dani Shapiro, and The Good Times by Russell Baker. I’m in the middle of Bad Blood (about Theranos) by John Carreyrou. My son Harry and I are also working our way through the Anastasia Krupnik series by Lois Lowry. That was my favorite when I was little.

Tell us about your style.

My style is very feminine and comfortable. I love ruffles. And I have to be comfortable in everything I wear. I like to find that perfect mix between not too casual and not too fancy.

What is your favorite item of clothing? 

Lately it’s a vintage cheetah coat.

Who’s your go-to designer?

I wear a lot of clothes by my friend Innika Choo. She makes beautiful linen pieces that are embroidered. And I always wear Loeffler Randall accessories!

Dress by Innika Choo

What’s your dream car?

We have a 1989 Jeep Wagoneer in buttercream yellow and it’s my dream car. It’s like driving around on a couch.

What are you looking forward to?

The summer. I love when it’s sunny out – being by the beach and out of the city. I love spending extra time with my kids in the summer. I’m also looking forward to traveling more and exploring new places.

What skill do wish you had that you don’t currently possess?

I would love to learn how to throw on a ceramic wheel, to be naturally amazing at drawing and to sew all my own clothes. I also wish I could do a real push-up!

What’s your hidden talent?

I write in my spare time. I’m in a writing group with a fascinating group of New Yorkers of all ages, led by my writing teacher Nancy Kelton. I write personal essays.

What’s the most extravagant thing you ever bought?

I don’t buy many extravagant things. But I do have a collection of beautiful dresses that make me so happy.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

Homemade gifts and letters from my kids are my favorite. And once when I was first dating my husband he bought me a brand new bike. I’d never had a new bike as a kid, only hand me downs, so it meant a lot to me.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Diet Coke.

What does luxury mean to you?

Luxury to me is being surrounded by the things you love. For me that’s natural raw materials, soothing neutral colors, beautiful handwork and craft techniques, things that take time and creativity and dedication to make. 

see luxury in a new light

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