Month: March 2019

Celebrating Good Deeds: Meet the Sparkler of the Month

Sparklers is a monthly series that highlights those who have recently spread light in the world. Every day, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace and generosity don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. So we’re celebrating good deeds and kind acts. Because sometimes good news and kindness are the sweetest luxuries of all. The Sparkler of the Month for March 2019 is Art + Practice.

This Week in Sports: What You Need to Know Now

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk is our weekly recap of how to talk about sports right now. If you’re just starting to learn about sports, or need a quick summary of what’s up in your favorite league, or just want to know why your spouse keeps obsessively checking the sports scores, read on. Here’s what you need to know to talk with a sports fan the week of March 31, 2019.

Provocative Portraits Without People at the Whitney

A gallery within a larger exhibit at the Whitney Museum in New York two years ago has lingered in our minds ever since we saw it. It was entitled Portraits Without People, and we found it provocative. And profound. Because it raised an intriguing question: if someone wanted to capture your essential essence without showing any part of you, what would they paint (or photograph)? The books on your nightstand? Your running shoes? Your last Power Point presentation? What you ate this morning? Said another way: do our possessions define us? Are we what we buy? And if not, then what objects in our lives represent who we really are?

Top 10 Picks in the World of Luxury April 2019

Our Luxury Calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the top events unfolding around the world every month. Some are micro-luxuries (like a really good book) and others are on a grand, epic scale. As we polish off our research we always dream a little dream about the entries that most intrigue or excite us – the ones we most passionately want to be a part of. If schedules and money were no object, and we could do anything we like, here are our top picks in the world of luxury experiences and events in April 2019.

Swanky Style at the Zodiac Room Neiman Marcus New York

Can a restaurant in a luxury retail store ever live up to the best standalone fine dining establishments in the world? We decided to find out. In our ongoing series, Retail Restaurants, we go in search of the best restaurants in luxury retail stores in cities around the world. In this edition, we review the Zodiac Room, one of three restaurants at the new Neiman Marcus at Hudson Yards in New York.