Month: January 2019

Two hours in Zürich: the best spots for a quick visit

We’ve all been there: on a business trip, not much down time, in a sophisticated beautiful city that we long to explore. But what to do with two hours or less to spare? We always ask our local work colleagues what we should do if we have a precious couple of hours to sneak out and experience at least a taste of what their city has to offer. Now we’re sharing those ideas with you. In this edition of Two Hours in . . . we address the question: What to do with 2 free hours in Zürich? These are the best spots for a quick visit if you have only two hours in Zürich.

the healthy eating trends you need to know in 2019

New year, new food and nutrition trends. Weight loss is top of mind for many of us right now. We went in search of what’s trending in healthy eating and wellness for 2019, and here’s what we found. These are the 10 words and phrases you need to know to eat healthy (or at least on-trend) this year. Never heard of oat milk? Dear reader, it’s time to expand your vocabulary. Here are the healthy eating trends you need to know in 2019.

living electric: life on the road with my affordable EV

In our series Living Electric, our roving correspondent and firefly Gordon J. T. Graham shares his tales of life on the road as a college student with his affordable EV, a 2017 previously-owned Nissan LEAF. Can’t afford a Tesla? Don’t want a hybrid, like a Prius? Here’s the truth about driving a budget all-electric vehicle. In this edition, Graham recounts a nail-biting trip south filled with rangxiety.

our top picks in the world of luxury for January 2019

Our Luxury Calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the top events unfolding around the world every month. Some are micro-luxuries (like a really good book) and others are on a grand, epic scale. As we polish off our research we always dream a little dream about the entries that most intrigue or excite us – the ones we most passionately want to be a part of. If schedules and money were no object, here’s what we’d do in January 2019. How about you?