Month: December 2018

recommended reads: the best books of 2018

So many books, so little time! Reading can be one of life’s sweetest luxuries. But how to quickly find the next great volume to dive into? To lend a hand, every month we’ll share our Dandelion Chandelier Recommended Reads: books that we’ve personally read and loved – some brand new, and some published long ago. Selected to suit the season, we think they deserve a place on your nightstand. Or your e-reader. In your backpack. Or your carry-on bag. You get the idea. In this edition, we’re sharing our picks for the best books of 2018.

best luxury hotels in the world: the Beaumont in London

In a world full of luxury hotels, with new ones opening all the time, which ones are the best? In our ongoing series, we share our finds. They’re hotels and resorts at which we’ve personally stayed (with no promotional consideration involved). We’d recommend these to friends and family – and to you, dear reader. In this edition of best luxury hotels in the world: the Beaumont in London.

the best Christmas gifts for gentlemen this year

If we’re lucky, we have a few true gentlemen in our lives, and on our holiday gift lists. A father, grandfather, husband, son, brother, friend or close colleague with impeccable taste, intelligence and charm. A stand-up guy who’s dependable and loyal. And kind. For such a man, an ordinary gift just won’t do. But what are the best luxury holiday gifts for men? Here are our top picks for the best Christmas gifts for gentlemen this year.