Month: December 2018

winter vacation beach or skiing

Is The Best Luxury Winter Vacation the Beach or Skiing?

Which luxury tribe do you belong to: Team Sand? Or Team Snow? Almost everyone has a dream luxury winter vacation that sustains them on the days when work or family (or both) are causing excessive stress, and fantasies of escaping to a better place start to dominate. If we’re lucky, sometimes we even get to take those dream trips. But unless we’re traveling alone, or have unlimited time and money and no need to make tough choices, we are sometimes faced with a pressing issue: Is the best luxury winter vacation the beach or skiing – sand or snow?

why do people love to ski and snowboard?

Why Do People Love to Ski and Snowboard?

With the official start of winter nearly here, and ski resorts all over the world opening for the season, this seems like a great moment to address a profound question in the sphere of winter wellness: why do people love to ski and snowboard? Said another way, why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily choose to don clunky heavy boots, several layers of clothing, a helmet, face mask  and googles, and then strap two sticks or an over-sized skate board to their feet and hurl themselves headlong down a mountain? Unless they were being pursued by a bear, or the Huns, or creating a YouTube video, really, what’s the point? Dear reader, we’re glad you asked. In our view, here are the top reasons that people love to ski and snowboard.

recommended reads: the best beach books of the year

Heading for the beach for your end-of-the-year holiday break? Be sure to bring along some of the best beach books of the year. While that phrase usually applies to summer reading lists, we strongly believe that a beach is a beach, even if it’s winter where you call home (and you’re fleeing toward warmer weather). So here’s our list of the best beach books of the year – perfect for reading whether your year-end vacation involves sand or snow. Just don’t forget the sunscreen.

how to talk about sports this week like a pro

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk is our weekly recap of how to talk about sports this week like a pro. If you’re just starting to learn about sports, or need a quick summary of what’s up in your favorite league, or just want to know what’s so important that your spouse has to spend the weekend glued to the telly, here’s what you need to know to talk with a sports fan the week of December 16, 2018.