Month: December 2018

What are the Best New Books Coming in 2019?

New year, new books! Book Light is our Dandelion Chandelier curated list of the titles we’re most excited about that are being published in the coming days. In this edition, we take a longer time horizon. Our intrepid team has been exploring the most-anticipated new books scheduled to be released in 2019 and here’s what we found. Spoiler alert: while 2018 provided a fine year of reading, 2019 is going to be a great year for bookworms.

the best food and wine winter vacations this year

Are you one of us who’s up for a snowy winter vacation this year? If so, you don’t have to settle for just another traditional ski or snowboarding trip. Instead, why not aim for a cold-weather culinary adventure? Preferably in a cozy and scenic location with excellent restaurants and at least one 5-star hotel. Happily, there are lots of places that fit that bill. Alternatively, if you’re in search of warm breezes and great cuisine, there are perfect spots for that this winter, too. Here are our top picks for the best food and wine winter vacations this year. We found over 15 options – one should be perfect for you.

december sparklers: those who choose to shine

Sparklers is a monthly series that highlights people, groups and institutions who have recently spread light in the world. Every day, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace and generosity don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. So we’re sharing some of their good deeds of the month. Because sometimes good news and kindness are the sweetest luxuries of all.