Month: November 2018

november sparklers: those who choose to shine

Sparklers is a monthly series that highlights people, groups and institutions who have recently spread light in the world. Everyday, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace and generosity don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. So we’re sharing some of their stories. Because sometimes good news and kindness are the sweetest luxuries of all. Here’s our November celebration of those who choose to shine.

the best trips to give as a luxury gift this year

It’s been proven through numerous studies that the happiness quotient of a wonderful experience trumps the joy that one receives from even the most incredible object or item of clothing. Want to put the concept to the test this holiday season? We’ve rounded up a list of the 12 best trips to give as a luxury gift this year. These dozen travel experiences should tip the scales of delight into overload for your gift recipient – and if you’re lucky enough to be invited along, then perhaps for you, too.

Most beautiful painting in New York

a visit to the most beautiful painting in new york city

In a city filled with wondrous works of art from every conceivable time period and genre, and from hundreds of nations and cultures, which one is the most beautiful of all? This fall in New York City, the art critics and experts have reached an uncommonly uniform consensus. The most beautiful painting in New York City – at least for another few weeks – is Visitation, an oil painting by the Italian Mannerist Jacopo da Pontormo (1494–1556). You can see it for yourself from now until January 6, 2019 at the Morgan Library & Museum.