Month: September 2018

Our top picks in the world of luxury for October 2018

Our Luxury Calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the top events unfolding around the world every month. Some are micro-luxuries (like a really good book) and others are on a grand, epic scale. It’s great fun to compile, and as we polish off our research we always dream a little dream about the entries that intrigue or excite us – the ones we most passionately want to be a part of. If schedules and money were no object, and we could choose the top ten experiences in the luxury sphere that we’d personally love to partake of, here’s what they’d be for October 2018. How about you?

How to get the best night’s sleep money can buy

Sleep is a terribly scarce resource: people crave it, obsess about it, brag about how much they’re getting, keep running numerical tallies of their experiences, quietly seek instruction on how to get better at it, and secretly cannot manage to get enough of it to satisfy themselves. The number of nightly hours of sleep one can achieve has become a “thing,” and a good night’s sleep has become a luxury item, to be lusted after and fetishized.