
the best of dandelion chandelier: sports and fitness

And now we are two. Our second birthday here at Dandelion Chandelier is August 1, and to mark the occasion, we’re sharing some of the top-performing posts in our short history. And also some posts that we’re just really proud of, or that were especially fun to write (and, we hope, to read). We’ll be focusing on one topic per day as we count down to our big day. We’ve shared top posts in Travel and Adventure; Food and Drink; and Fashion and Shopping. Next up? Sports and Fitness.

If you’re just joining us, this will get you up to speed on what we’ve been talking about. And if you’ve been along for the entire ride, remember these? Feels like just yesterday when they were first published, right?

Wherever you may be in your journey with Dandelion Chandelier, we hope you’ll enjoy perusing these. And thank you, dear reader. You can devote your valuable time to thousands of magazines and content sources. We really appreciate your spending some of it with us, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of Team Dandelion-C.

These 12 posts about sports, fitness and wellness have resonated well within our community, and we hope they’ll inspire you to lace up your sneakers and break a sweat. Or focus on investing in some serious self-care. And do it all in style.

How to find the right bicycle for a luxurious escape. Golf used to be the sport of the business elite, but cycling seems to be poised to surpass it. In fact, if you’re an entrepreneur pitching your business to investors in Silicon Valley, you’ll find it a distinct advantage to be able to do so while on a bike. What exactly is the allure of cycling for the rich and powerful? And do they experience the sport differently than the average cyclist? We decided to take a ride and find out.

What are the best luxury workout apparel brands? Is it possible to look smart while you sweat? Scientists have evidence that what we wear every day can affect our psychological processes. And that has a direct impact on our ability to perform. So does looking chic while you work out give you a better mindset – and perhaps more importantly, better results? It definitely can’t hurt to consider upping your style game while you up your heart rate.

Why do people love to ski and snowboard? Said another way, why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily choose to don clunky heavy boots, several layers of clothing, a helmet, face mask and googles, and then strap two sticks or an over-sized skate board to their feet and hurl themselves headlong down a mountain? Unless they were being pursued by a bear, or the Huns, or creating a YouTube video, really, what’s the point?

Luxury fitness: the gyms to join when money is no object. You cannot pay someone to work out for you. But with enough cash, you can seriously upgrade the quality of your gym.

Introducing TWIST: what you need to know to talk sports. Someone brings up the topic of professional sports at work, the gym, or an important social engagement. What’s your reaction? Excitement? Boredom? Stress? Shame? If you’re one of those People Who Don’t Follow Professional Sports, but you have a crush on, work for, live with or need to sell something to someone who does, then you can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. The TWIST is our weekly guide to what’s happened on the field, on the court and on the ice. Read it and join the conversation. You’ll thank us later.

How to throw a luxurious Super Bowl party this year. Super Bowl Sunday is one of those great American traditions that brings nearly everyone to the same table. Regional, class and political issues tend to fade, at least for one day, in the raucous ritual of watching the game, the ads, and the half-time show. We rounded up the best/most fun/most over-the-top party ideas from our Sports Desk to learn how to host a Super Bowl party like a boss.

What are the best luxury fitness boot camps? Where do the members of the C-Suite/tech mogul/billionaire class go when the beach, the red carpet, or the boardroom are calling and they have to get rid of 5-10% of their body weight, pronto? For the truly hard-core (aka those in search of a “starvecation”); for those who are already fit and exceptionally tough-minded; or for those looking for self-flagellation opportunities as penance for being too slothful – here are six perfect destinations. Six-almond snacks and 5-hours hikes, here we come.

Where are the best luxury tennis resorts for kids? Where are the best places for a family vacation that will be luxurious and entertaining for you and the rest of the family, and also provide your tennis prodigy with a few solid days of excellent tennis instruction?

How to experience the natural luxury of forest bathing. Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that means “taking in the forest atmosphere” or “forest bathing.” Developed in Japan during the ’80’s, the practice has become an important element of preventive health care and healing far beyond the nation’s borders. We decided to try it recently, and we’re all in.

Spinning cycle: the best luxury indoor bikes right now. The home stationary bike is a hugely popular choice with the elite. Why? Because even a novice can get a fitness routine going with an indoor bike – it’s the gateway drug to daily exercise (and it won’t ruin your hair). The question is which luxury bike is the right one, right now? As always, it depends on what you’re looking for.

What’s it like to be a guy in a spinning class? Lots of our friends and far-flung correspondents are men who from time to time participate in studio-based group spinning classes. Be it Soul CycleSWERVEThe Dailey Method (TDM) or some other studio, they report being a distinct minority in this milieu. So what’s it like to be a man in a predominantly female exercise class? In their own (lightly edited) words, our intrepid male spinners share their personal stories from inside the studio.

What can we learn about life from the 2017 Super Bowl? How on earth did Tom Brady and the Pats win Super Bowl LI? Seriously: the magnitude of this victory is hard to over-state. 25 points behind at the half. Down 28-9 at the start of the fourth quarter. No Super Bowl team has ever dug itself out of a hole that deep before. The Falcons’ win probability on ESPN was 99.6% with 9 minutes 44 seconds left in the game. So how did the Pats pull it off?

If you’re passionate about sports, fitness and wellness, check out our monthly report on the best global sports and fitness events, part of our monthly luxury events calendar. Game on!

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