
The best of dandelion chandelier: fashion and shopping

And now we are two. Our second birthday here at Dandelion Chandelier is August 1, and to mark the occasion, we’re sharing some of the top-performing posts in our short history. And also some posts that we’re just really proud of, or that were especially fun to write (and, we hope, fun to read). We’re focusing on one topic per day for the next week, as we count down to our big day. We’ve shared top posts in Travel and Adventure and Food and Drink. Next up? Fashion and Shopping.

If you’re just joining us, this will get you up to speed on what we’ve been talking about. And if you’ve been along for the entire ride, remember these? Feels like just yesterday when they were first published, right?

Wherever you may be in your journey with Dandelion Chandelier, we hope you’ll enjoy perusing these. And thank you, dear reader. You can devote your valuable time to thousands of magazines and content sources. We really appreciate your spending some of it with us, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of Team Dandelion-C.

These 12 posts about fashion and shopping have resonated well within our community. We hope they’ll inspire you to get dolled up and hit the town; to find your perfect fragrance; to dazzle in glittering jewels; to dream a little dream; or just to get dressed for work – like a boss.

The best of the Paris high jewelry shows July 2018. Lifelike flower petal rings, a watch inspired by a chic Parisian apartment, a necklace reminiscent of the traditional adornments of the Kenyan Masai tribe, a tiara with nearly one thousand white diamonds, a bracelet that appears on the hand of the wearer as if it is a golden tattoo, a cuff inspired by the play of light on snow in Northern Europe. The July 2018 haute joaillerie presentations drew their inspiration and romance from literally every corner of the world. You can call it high jewelry, or fine jewelry, or even fine jewellery. We just call it gorgeous.

Why we’re convinced that Gucci will save the world. You may think that Amazon is taking over the universe, but keep your eye on Gucci. Its influence on global culture and commerce is omnipresent, enormous and growing, and you may not even realize how it’s changing the way you see the world. Our money is on them in the race for total global domination.

How to Dress Like a Boss Lady. If it’s true that you need to dress for the job you want, not the one you have, then this is a rather important matter for the ambitious among us. But even for those badass women who are already bosses, this is still sometimes a pressing issue. As role models, coaches and mentors, lots of people are watching the boss women and trying to learn how to pull together a look that exudes authority, confidence, competence and smarts. You can spend a lot of time and money shopping and still not get it right, and who wants to do that? So how can you know what’s worth investing in and what’s not? And is there a formula for this?

How to pack for Davos: what insiders wear at the WEF. Having attended this event for five years in a row, we thought that it might be useful to share some inside tips on how to dress in order to manage the Herculean task of packing efficiently. If you follow some simple rules, we guarantee that you’ll be both well-dressed and able to avoid checking a bag at the airport. And BTW, we hear some of you saying “who cares what you wear? Davos is about ideas!” To which we say: if you can minimize the hassles of moving around on icy streets and sidewalks, avoid ruining your shoes, feel comfortable and confident, and not be weighed down by too much “stuff,” then your mind will be free to think big thoughts. Nail the quotidian details, and you’ll maximize the odds that you’ll come across as smart in every way.

Cool new luxury retail concepts you need to see now. Everyone’s buzzing about “Third Wave” retail – that magical place where e-commerce meets brick and mortar retailing, and consumers find experiential luxuries as well as cool new products that they might not have found if they were only shopping online. What does that mean in real life, though? Here are a dozen new luxury retail stores, all of which have opened in the past 12 months, that capture the concept brilliantly.

What wardrobe items are really worth investing in? You want to dress like a boss, but you’re operating on a non-boss income level. How do you determine where to invest so that your wardrobe presents your best you, while not going into debt or having a closet full of “stuff” that you don’t really need?

The best luxury brands to wear to make a statement now. What are you trying to say with what you’re wearing right now? Is it possible to be both on-trend and on-message? Many of us view fashion as a strong and effective way to send a message to others: about who we are, what we value, and how we’re currently feeling about the world in general. Consciously or not, what we choose to wear every day signals a great deal to others – which is why it pays to put some thought into it. Done well, fashion helps us claim our space in the world; support what we are passionate about; or just inject some wit and color into a dark or dull situation. Our feeling is that you have to get dressed anyway – so why not make your attire work harder for you?

Fresh glamorous fun at the smart new Saks beauty floor. When a grand dame gets a makeover, it’s risky business. Sometimes the urgency to be newly relevant results in the loss of what was special in the first place. Happily, the new Beauty floor at the Manhattan flagship of Saks Fifth Avenue has achieved exactly what one might hope: it’s what the beauty department used to be – only much, much better.

The best luxury bed sheets and linens in the world. Awakening refreshed from a great night’s sleep on a consistent basis is the new luxury status symbol among the jet set. Sadly, like so many other desirable things in life, it can be hard to get. So how can one go about achieving sleep nirvana? Start with the sheets and linens with which you surround yourself. The good news: there are lots of options out there. The bad news: they don’t come cheap.

The most important trends in luxury home decor right now. As you set out on a house hunt – or prepare your palace for your broker’s first open house – what are the trends in luxury home design and décor that are totally on-point and worth paying more for? Or conversely, if you’re looking for a quick sale, what should you do to ensure that your property is au courant?

The 7 transporting new luxury fragrances we love. The luxury fragrance world is always a lovely place in which to spend some time. Recently, our Dandelion Chandelier Style Council sniffed around a bit to see what’s new in ultra-luxury fragrance. There are fresh bouquets of new floral fragrances, plus new collections based on personal characteristics to which we all aspire – and also a wildly sexy new offering from a historically staid British perfume house. And a fowl way to freshen your home with a chic floral fragrance.

Who are the best luxury florists in the world? Larger-than-life floral arrangements are a significant contribution to the luxuriousness of any space. If you’re looking to purchase an Instagram-worthy bouquet, we’ve got you covered. Our intrepid researchers have sussed out some of the most exquisite florists and floral artists in New York, Paris, London and Hong Kong. From award winning designs to impeccable service, here’s where you’ll find the most luxurious arrangements ever.

If you’re passionate about fashion, beauty and design, check out our monthly report on the best luxury fashion and design events, part of our monthly luxury events calendar. We’ll save you a seat in the front row.

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