Month: March 2018

books on the origin of the chic costumes in black panther

We can’t stop thinking about the amazingly chic wardrobe created for the film Black Panther. Where did the inspiration for those looks come from? We admit, we’re kind of obsessed with this movie, in no small part because it’s so stylish. Costume designer Ruth E. Carter has achieved a first, at least for us: a super-hero movie wardrobe that makes us want to shop the outfits. Wakanda style rocks – but where exactly did it come from?

The Luxury of Mexican Cuisine at the Chic Empellón

Gourmet Mexican food? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Yes, we hear some of you out there muttering that under your breath. In the world of luxury and fine dining, Mexican cuisine has traditionally gotten a bad rap: many of us associate it with margaritas, ground beef tacos, guacamole and chips, and a cold Dos Equis. Cheap, simple, filling party food. But recently, the traditions of Mexican cooking are getting a lot more respect. Why? Well, one reason is the masterful work of Chef and restaurateur Alex Stupak, founder of the Empellón restaurant group in Manhattan.

The Best of the Spring 2018 Luxury Collaborations

The wave of luxury designer collaborations continues to roll on, with some unlikely pairings available now, or dropping in the coming weeks. Spring is the season of unusual affairs and the attraction of opposites, and some of these partnerships definitely qualify. Like peanut butter and jelly – or Spongebob and Patrick – you’d think some of these duos just wouldn’t work, but somehow they do. Hey, we all know that sometimes strange relationships are the best. Here are a baker’s dozen that caught our eye.

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk March 11, 2018

You don’t love professional sports, but your livelihood and/or personal happiness depends upon your being able to converse intelligently about it. Dear reader, you need to learn how to talk sports. The TWIST is our weekly Dandelion Chandelier guide to what’s happened on the field, on the court and on the ice. Every weekend you’ll find the three (and only three) things you need to know this coming week to speak cogently about professional sports with the boss, the gang at the office, your barber, your barista, your secret crush, or your in-laws. We promise you’ll be sports-literate in no time.

What should you buy when you visit chic St. Barth’s?

Fashionistas of the world generally agree that one of the many joys of travel is the shopping opportunities that it presents. We were lucky enough to find ourselves on the tony island of St. Barth’s recently. It was our first visit, and despite the damage from the brutal hurricane season of 2017, the luxury shops along the streets near the harbor in Gustavia were all open. Which raised the pressing question: what should one buy on a quick shopping run on the island?