Month: March 2018

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk March 25, 2018

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk is a weekly recap of the three (and only three) things you need to know this coming week to talk sports. Whether it’s with your boss, the gang at the office, your team, your barber, your barista, your secret crush, or your in-laws, do the TWIST and we guarantee you’ll be talking sports like a champion in no time.

Low is the New High Luxury: Michelin-Starred Street Food

One of the reasons we love covering luxury here at Dandelion Chandelier is because the topic is so complex and the very definition of what luxury is eternally evolves. For example, our very name reflects one of luxury’s enduring inherent dualities: luxurious objects and experiences must be perceived as authentic and deeply rooted in the ground – but they must also soar high above our heads, just out of reach, generating desire and acquisitiveness in the hearts of those who behold them.