
What is a Typical Day on a Luxury Cruise Ship Like?

If I go on a luxury cruise, will I be bored? Is it going to feel claustrophobic? What do people do all day with all that time? These are logical questions, since almost any ocean cruise is going to involve at least a couple of days at sea (and sometimes many, many more). So what does one do all day when the shoreline is nowhere in sight? Recently, we took a 10-day cruise on the ultra-luxurious Regent Seven Seas Explorer. What follows is a photo journey to share the details of how we managed to pass the time. Spoiler alert: dear reader, you will definitely not be bored should you decide to embark on a luxury cruise on the high seas, at least if you go on this ship.

Here’s a photo journal of how we spent one day at sea on the Explorer. [Full disclosure: in April 2018 I was appointed to the board of the parent company of Regent Seven Seas].

7:00 AM Hit the gym or speed-walk on the upper deck. Surprisingly, we’re able to run on the treadmill without losing our balance, even on the high seas. Our post-workout reward? Free Vitamin Water Zeros in our favorite flavor! The Fitness Center has a well-stocked refrigerator.

Entrance to the Fitness Center © Dandelion Chandelier

8:30 AM Breakfast on the La Veranda restaurant terrace. So many choices, so little time. Must remember to pace ourselves. Maybe just two waffles, not three. Gotta save room for lunch.

The Terrace at La Veranda © Dandelion Chandelier

9:15 AM Stop at the Library to read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Become distracted and end up reading a book about fashion designers. Fall into conversation with a fellow passenger looking for a recommendation on a good thriller to crack open.

The Library © Dandelion Chandelier

10:00 AM Cooking class in the Culinary Kitchen (us) or Lounge by the pool (our companion).

The Pool Deck © Dandelion Chandelier

12 Noon Lunch at the Pool Grill – it’s Margarita Madness Day! We strike up a lively conversation with the couple on the next lounge chair and talk for almost an hour.

Made-to-order margaritas by the pool © Dandelion Chandelier

1:15 PM Curl up in the Observatory Lounge with a novel (us) or Continue to lounge by the pool (our companion)

The Observatory Lounge © Dandelion Chandelier

3:00 PM Mid-afternoon snack at the Meridian Cafe. The French Press coffee is just crazy good, and the barista is hysterically funny. Plus they have three kinds of pastries. And fresh fruit. For free. Are you kidding? We contemplate stowing away on the ship so we can live here forever.

3:30 PM Spa visit. Never had a Thai Massage before. Want to have one every day now.

The Entrance to the Spa © Dandelion Chandelier

5:30 PM Golden Hour on the upper deck – catch the sunset and a sweet breeze. Little slice of heaven.

Golden Hour on the Upper Deck © Dandelion Chandelier

6:30 PM Evening canapes are delivered to our suite. We’re not that hungry, but they’re so cute that we manage to make them disappear anyway. Toughest call of the day: red or white?

7:00 PM Dinner with new friends at one of the six restaurants on board (change clothes first).

9:30 PM Catch a cabaret show at the Constellation Theater. Loving the Art Deco decor and the chill vibe. And yes, you can have another glass of wine, or a brandy, if you still have room.

Constellation Theater © Dandelion Chandelier

10:30 PM until Listen to some live music at the Explorer Lounge – bust some cool dance moves. Refine stowaway plan – we’re not leaving when the voyage ends. Nope. We’re all in.

Please note that on our journey, other options on days at sea included: playing shuffleboard or bridge; taking ballroom dancing lessons; hitting the Casino; shopping for fine jewelry at the on-board boutique; working on the community puzzle at the puzzle table; attending a lecture on how to take great photographs; playing boccie or golf on the upper deck; watching Dunkirk on a huge screen; joining a wine tasting, or stopping in at the Cupcake Tea.

The bottom line? On a great cruise ship you can do lots of things, or do nothing, or something in-between. At your own pace, in your own space. Now that’s luxury.

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