Month: February 2018

February Sparklers: Those Who Choose to Shine

Sparklers is a monthly series at Dandelion Chandelier designed to highlight people, groups and institutions who have recently spread light in the world, even in the midst of great darkness. Every day, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace and generosity don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. We want to help amplify and share these stories of courage, sacrifice and thoughtfulness. Because good news, optimism and kindness could be the sweetest luxuries of all.  

What You Need to Know about St. Barth’s Right Now

The French-speaking island of St. Barth’s – or to be precise, Saint Barthélemy – has long been a glamorous year-end playground and the destination of choice for the owners of mega-yachts, the fashion industry elite, entertainers, athletes and their entourages. The Leeward Islands tropical paradise is the stuff of dreams. But the fall 2017 hurricane season was brutal, with a string of named storms wreaking havoc on many parts of the Caribbean, including this lovely island. What’s the situation there now? We have the latest update.

Its the perfect time to devour fantastic books about food

So many books, so little time! Reading can be one of life’s sweetest luxuries. But how to quickly find the next great volume to dive into? To lend a hand, we’ll share our Dandelion Chandelier Recommended Reads: books that we’ve personally read and loved – some brand new, and some published long ago. Selected to suit the season or a particular theme, we think they deserve a place on your nightstand. Or your e-reader. In your backpack. Or your carry-on bag. You get the idea. As voracious readers, here at Dandelion Chandelier sometimes we inexplicably start craving a book about food. Particularly in the winter, we love curling up with a cookbook. We don’t spend all that much time in the kitchen – but reading a great recipe is like reading a well-told story. It’s transporting, and educational, and it leaves you feeling nourished. We also love reading novels set in restaurants. And chefs’ memoirs. And food histories. Pretty well anything that allows us to escape into the world of food and life in the kitchen.

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk February 11, 2018

You don’t love professional sports, but your livelihood and/or personal happiness depends upon your being able to converse intelligently about it. It’s a common dilemma with a simple solution: you need to learn a new language. You need to learn how to talk sports. And we’re here to help! The TWIST is our weekly Dandelion Chandelier guide to what’s happened on the field, on the court and on the ice. Every weekend you’ll find the three (and only three) things you need to know this coming week to speak cogently about professional sports with the boss, the gang at the office, your barber, your barista, your secret crush, or your in-laws. Do the TWIST every week and we promise you’ll know how to talk about sports like a champion.