The Lists

February Sparklers: Those Who Choose to Shine

Sparklers is a monthly series at Dandelion Chandelier designed to highlight people, groups and institutions who have recently spread light in the world, even in the midst of great darkness. Every day, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace and generosity don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. We want to help amplify and share these stories of courage, sacrifice and thoughtfulness. Because good news, optimism and kindness could be the sweetest luxuries of all.  

From fashion to music videos, from the Puppy Bowl to women supporting other women, these are some of the stories helped us see the good in the world this month.  

1. Fashion is one of the most pollution-causing industries in the world, and it can be difficult to know as a consumer how you can make a difference. But one new brand is making it easy. Having just launched this month, Ninety Percent, a London-based luxury women’s apparel line, is challenging poor working conditions and the negative effect fashion has by donating 90% of its profits to a series of charities.  Co-founded by Shafiq Hassan and Para Hamilton, Ninety Percent has created a label that not only adheres to core beliefs around sustainability but also looks and feels great. All the materials and manufacturing processes have been carefully selected and sourced from industry best-practice suppliers. Once a purchase has been made, consumers are given a unique code which they can use to vote for the profits to go to one of the causes listed on the brand’s website.  Now that’s looking good and doing good.

2. If you haven’t had an opportunity to watch to Drake’s latest video, you should. The video for his single God’s Plan is a showcase of ad-hoc philanthropy throughout the city of Miami.  From the start, you know this isn’t an ordinary music video. The first thing you see is the message: “The budget for the video was $996,631.90.  We gave it all away. Don’t tell the label…”  Here is a rundown the best moments:

-Paying for shopper’s groceries at a neighborhood supermarket

-Giving away stacks of cash to people on the street

-Presenting a scholarship check to a student at University of Miami

-Carts of wrapped toys for the children of Lotus House

-Surprising a family with a brand new car

-Shutting down Brickell City Centre mall to allow the women of Lotus House Shelter shopping sprees

-Donating to City of Miami Fire Department, Frost School of Music and University of Miami

Just before dropping the video, Drake wrote on Instagram that this music video is “The most important thing I have ever done in my career.”  We love that.

3. We recently came across this beautiful story about a young girl attending her first father-daughter dance at Our Lady of Humility School in Winthrop Harbor, Illinois. 5-year old Cayleigh Hinton couldn’t attend with her father; tragically, he was serving in the military when he died in a truck accident last year. What could have been a heart-breaking evening instead became a night she will never forget, thanks the kindness of 1st Sgt. Joseph Bierbrodt of the Illinois Army National Guard.  Cayleigh’s mother reached out to the Illinois National Guard to see if there was anyone who could accompany her daughter. Despite not knowing Cayleigh or her family, Bierbrodt volunteered immediately. A father of four himself, Bierbrodt figured any other military member would do the same for his family if something happened to him.  Bierbrodt showed up in full military uniform in a limousine to escort little Cayleigh to the dance.  

4. Perhaps you were focused on the big game taking place a few channels down, but this year’s Puppy Bowl XIV included two extra-special canine athletes. The annual event, which involves a bunch of adorable puppies frolicking around, is Animal Planet’s answer to the Super Bowl. All of the participating dogs come from animal shelters or rescue groups, and this year two of the puppies were animals rescued from Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.  Kaleb Jr. and Archer, both mixed-breeds, were transported to the US mainland by The Sato Project, a nonprofit focused on helping Puerto Rico’s stray dogs.  The Sato Project has sent puppies to the Puppy Bowl in the past, but this year it’s participation took on new significance as Puerto Rico continues to recover in the aftermath of last years hurricane season. The organization hoped that by featuring Kaleb Jr and Archer, it would remind viewers that Puerto Rico still needs our help in their recovery efforts.  While Kaleb Jr. and Archer have already been adopted by families in New York State, the Sato Project still has other dogs available for adoption. The group is also accepting applications for temporary dog foster homes as well as for volunteers in both New York and Puerto Rico.

5. As we approach Women’s History Month (in March), we should not only reflect on the legendary and famous women who have done so much to advance our freedoms, but also celebrate the women and mothers who are looking out for each other. One such incident happened to Beth Bornstein Dunnington, when she was flying out of Los Angeles earlier this month. The mom from Waimea, Hawaii was waiting to board her flight to Portland. As she was in the departure area alongside a crowd of other travelers waiting for their own flights, she saw a mother who was having some problems with her son. Dunnington wrote on Facebook: “A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and screaming, then lying on the ground, refusing to board the plane (which was not going to Portland). His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed… she couldn’t pick him up because he was so upset, he kept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, kicking and screaming again. The mother finally sat down on the floor and put her head in her hands, with her kid next to her still having a meltdown, and started crying. Then…the women in the terminal approached and surrounded her and the little boy and we knelt down and formed a circle around them. I sang “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” to the little boy… one woman had an orange that she peeled, one woman had a little toy in her bag that she let the toddler play with, another woman gave the mom a bottle of water. Someone else helped the mom get the kid’s sippy cup out of her bag and give it to him. It was so gorgeous, there was no discussion and no one knew anyone else, but we were able to calm them both down, and she got her child on the plane.”  Together woman can change the world for the better.

Finally, we want to extend our condolences and deepest sympathy to the victims of the horrific school shooting last week in Florida. There were so many acts of sacrifice, heroism, and selflessness that saved lives that day. We pray for recovery and peace for those affected – and we join with all those demanding change so that this awful cycle of violence and grief may finally end. Enough. We stand with you.

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