Month: January 2018

What’s it Like to be a Guy in a Spinning Class?

We’re kicking off our Dandelion Chandelier Winter Wellness series with a further exploration of what’s new in the world of spinning. Our first two dispatches from men who spin generated so much conversation that we decided to ask a few more guys to share their experiences. In the process, we learned about Swerve, a spin studio that seems expressly tailored to the needs of alpha personality types and former athletes of all ability levels. If you have such a person in your in your life – or even better, if you are such a person – you might want to read on.

TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk January 7, 2018

You don’t love professional sports, but your livelihood and/or personal happiness depends upon your being able to converse intelligently about it. It’s a common dilemma with a simple solution: you need to learn a new language. You need to learn how to talk sports. And we’re here to help! The TWIST is our weekly Dandelion Chandelier guide to what’s happened on the field, on the court and on the ice. Every weekend you’ll find the three (and only three) things you need to know this coming week to speak cogently about professional sports with the boss, the gang at the office, your barber, your barista, your secret crush, or your in-laws. Do the TWIST every week and we promise you’ll know how to talk about sports like a champion.

The 7 Transporting New Luxury Fragrances We Love

The luxury fragrance world is always a lovely place in which to spend some time, especially on a gray day. The bottles look like jewels, and when they’re arranged with an expert eye, they’re absolutely magical (we’re looking at you, Roja and House of Silage). Recently, our Dandelion Chandelier Style Council sniffed around a bit in Manhattan to see what’s new in ultra-luxury fragrance. What we saw was transporting, and made us feel that spring cannot possibly be far away. There are fresh bouquets of new floral fragrances, plus new collections based on personal characteristics to which we all aspire – and also a wildly sexy new offering from a historically staid British perfume house. And a fowl way to freshen your home with a chic floral fragrance. Perhaps our reward for sticking to our new year’s resolutions should be a bottle of one of these.

What Are the Best Luxury Items to Shop For in January?

The Dandelion Chandelier Luxury Shopping List is our monthly overview of the essential items to have on your acquisition radar right now – what they are, and where to get them. We’ve done the scouting so you don’t have to.   The key word in luxury shopping in January for many people is SALE (or soldes). In New York and London, the luxury department stores and powerhouse luxury brands have already put everything from fall-winter on deep discount (think 75% off). January 10 is the start of the sale season in Paris (it’s always the second Wednesday in January). If you’ve been stalking anything all season that’s totally fabulous but was priced well out of reach, this is your last chance to swoop in and grab it. We just got a note from one of our favorite sales associates that a dress we longed for that was originally priced at $19,000 is now down to $6,000; another has dropped from $11,000 to $3,300. Not cheap, but a whole lot more affordable – and they’re available …