Month: January 2018

The Perfect Spring-Summer 2018 Luxury Handbags are Here

Here at Dandelion Chandelier, our phones have been blowing up for the past week with communiques about the new spring-summer 2018 merchandise that is already available for purchase. Begone, bomb cyclone! Away with you, polar vortex! The sub-zero temperatures, howling winds and snow drifts of January cannot keep warmer temperatures at bay forever. And as always, fashion leads the way, giving us the first harbingers of spring just when we desperately need them. Just looking at the new accessory collections has totally lifted our moods this week – the bags alone have us whistling a happy tune. Here’s a quick overview of what we’ve seen and what we love so far.

Is SWERVE Fitness the Spinning Studio of the Future?

We’re kicking off our Winter Wellness series here at Dandelion Chandelier this week. The start of a new year always seems to involve health-related resolutions: earnest vows to get and stay in shape, to eat healthier, to take time to improve our mental well-being – and also to get more sleep. It all seems within reach in early January, but some of us have already thrown in the towel by mid-month. To try to avoid a repeat of that annual cycle, we’ll be investigating the latest research on wellness and weight loss; visiting a cool new fitness studio; checking into a couple of great destination spas; and investigating wellness-focused resources of all kinds. First up? A New York boutique fitness studio that can help you get and in stay in shape, keep your weight in check, introduce you to some new friends, and also advance your career and build your professional network. Sounds impossible, you say? We’ve got one word for you, dear reader: SWERVE.

The Best of the Red Carpet from the Golden Globes 2018

What have we learned about fashion from this year’s Golden Globes ceremony? The 2018 Golden Globes will be best remembered for the #MeToo movement; the decision that its supporters (male and female) would dress in black for the red carpet; the exclusively female award presenters; and a barn-storming lifetime achievement award acceptance speech delivered by the regal Oprah Winfrey. Beyond these historically vital messages about gender equality, what else can we take from this year’s Golden Globes? Well, dear reader, we absolutely learned how to rock black in a sea of other noir ensembles and still make our presence felt. The ceremony provided a master class in how to wear the color black. This fashion tutorial was not the most important message of the night. But hey, no matter where you come out on the weighty issues of the day, why not take the opportunity to learn more about how to make your fashion choices communicate precisely the message you intend?

Can Art Ever Capture the True Spirit of the Sea?

Is it possible for an artist to capture the essence of the ocean? Its mystery, texture, and movement? Its fantastical and majestic denizens? The smell of it, the saltiness of it, the awe that it inspires? A gifted and hard-working visionary can take those elements and viscerally bring them into even the most earth-bound environments. Jennifer Clifford Danner is one such talent. We visited her studio recently to view her work and hear her story, and we were swept away.