Month: January 2018

Woke Luxury Comes with a Side of Social Justice

The new year has kicked off in the luxury sphere with a startling series of heartfelt and provocative moves by some leading brands to stay woke. Recently, we found three examples that moved us to stop and take note. We’re sure there are more, but these three caused us to reflect on what might be a new reality: woke luxury. Purveyors of luxury products and experiences can potentially play a transformational role in forging genuine connections between disparate communities, celebrating and encouraging human courage and decency, and ultimately helping to foster social justice in the world — if they choose to engage in actions that are viscerally moving, even shocking. Or just plain generous.

Luxury insider tips on the best first trip to copenhagen

Insider Itinerary is an occasional series here at Dandelion Chandelier that shines a light on the best places to see, stay, and dine in some of the hottest travel destinations worldwide. Our far-flung correspondents are sharing their inside tips on how to best experience their chosen cities, especially if you’re visiting for the first time. Consider it your local luxury GPS. You’re welcome! In this edition, we share luxury insider tips on the best first trip to Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Best of the Spring 2018 Designer Collaborations

If designer fashion collaborations are any guide, the fate of the world may not be as dire as current headlines indicate. Listening to the constant drumbeat of conflict and trash-talking on the global stage, one might assume that building camaraderie across disparate cultures is a tragically lost art. But take hope, dear reader. Just this month, all kinds of mash-ups and collaborations are happening in the worlds of fashion, music and art. If cultures can collide and create such fantastic outcomes in these spheres, perhaps the diplomats and world leaders can learn a thing or two. Consider these unlikely pairings and cool connections in just the first few months of 2018:

Best Luxury Travel Destinations in the Month of February

Where will February take you? Where should it? The Winter Olympics kick off in South Korea, so depending on your proclivities, you might want to head there. Or you could celebrate Chinese New Year in any number of luxurious locales. If you love crowds, there are lots of other options, too, as pre-Lent revelers take to the streets in cities all over the globe. On the other hand, if it’s solitude you seek, consider a trip to Tasmania. Of course, February is the month of love and passion, so a romantic destination should definitely be on your consideration list. And while it may seem distant, spring is just around the corner, and a visit to one of the world’s loveliest gardens in the Americas, Asia or Europe – or at least to an indoor orchid show — might hurry along its arrival.

High-tech Peloton Spins Into a Competitive New Arena

The Winter Wellness series continues here at Dandelion Chandelier. The start of a new year always seems to involve health-related resolutions: earnest vows to get and stay in shape, to eat healthier, to take time to improve our mental well-being – and also to get more sleep. It all seems within reach in early January, but some of us have already thrown in the towel by mid-month (that would be right about now). To try to avoid a repeat of that annual cycle, we’ll be investigating the latest research on wellness and weight loss; visiting a cool new fitness studio; checking into a couple of great destination spas; and investigating wellness-focused resources of all kinds. Today we’re sharing some recent news from the world of spinning. Peloton, the luxury fitness brand known for its $2,000 tech-enabled home stationary bikes — and spin classes that are live-streamed and available on-demand — last week at the Consumer Electronics Show announced a significant new expansion in its strategy. It’s not just about cycling anymore. The new Peloton Tread – basically …