
See Luxury in a New Light with: Billy Peelle

The Dandelion Chandelier Luminary Café is the place to find a series of personal interviews with fascinating people who are stellar achievers in their chosen field of endeavor. Our Luminaries are sharing their origin stories, life philosophies, secret songs, guilty pleasures and hidden talents. It’s guaranteed to be illuminating. 

Billy Peelle is the General Manager of Eleven Madison Park. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Billy attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in Art History and Political Science.  It had always been his intention to work in hotels and restaurants; after college, he went to work for the Ritz-Carlton in Philadelphia. Subsequently, he moved to New York City and attended the French Culinary Institute, while also working as a cook, to deepen his understanding of restaurant operations. Upon graduation, he took a job as a kitchen server at Eleven Madison Park, where he ultimately rose to Captain.  In 2012, Billy became one of the opening managers at the NoMad, Eleven Madison Park’s sister restaurant. In the years since, he has been a manager at both restaurants, holding several positions, including Dining Room Manager and Service Director. In the fall of 2015, he returned exclusively to Eleven Madison Park as the General Manager.

Having had a dazzling dinner at the restaurant during its first week of operations since re-opening after a renovation of the dining room and kitchen, we were thrilled to have Billy share his story as one of our Luminaries.

Tell us your life philosophy in 10 words or less.

Have fun, explore, seek knowledge, laugh, listen to great music.

How did you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

Since I was young, I have always dreamed of working in hotels and restaurants. It began with a family trip I took to England and Scotland where I first felt the effects of great hospitality. I never forgot the way I felt and I fell in love with the idea of having a job that would allow me to do that for other people. Also, the idea of travel, different cultures and bringing people together is such a part of our industry. I love what it has allowed me to learn and the people I have met along the way. There is a sense of wonder that exists in how things work in hotels and restaurants and being a part of that process gets me so excited.

Who lights you up?

So many people. My family, my best friends, my co-workers. People who have a lust for life, who enjoy spontaneity and who are generally happy are the people I like to surround myself with. When I am with them I feel just as happy and inspired.

How do you like to celebrate?

In many different ways. Sometimes I like to celebrate with a really great red wine, just being alone and taking things in somewhere beautiful. Other times, it is with a small group of friends over a beer. And then sometimes you just want to get together everyone you possibly know and throw a massive rager with dancing, fireworks, you name it — the more the better.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Where would you stay?

There is such a long list of places I want to travel to or return to. Japan — I’ve never been, but I’m dying to get outside of the cities and see the temples and gardens. Tuscany — I’ve been before but always want to go back. Iceland, the Greek and Turkish coast, the list goes on! The place I most want to get to right now is Norway to go hiking up in the fjords. I’ve also been plotting out hotels I’ve wanted to visit for as long as I can possibly remember, but the hotel that I have always loved and would like to return to is the Cipriani in Venice. It’s as close to heaven as I can think of.

What’s the last new food item that you tried for the first time? Did you like it?

Working at Eleven Madison Park, I’m lucky to be able to try a lot of different things for the first time on a somewhat regular basis. It’s almost hard to keep track! I guess I’d have to say sea urchin was the last new food item I tried for the first time. It wasn’t my favorite.

What song is on your playlist that people would be surprised by?

So many. I honestly have such an eclectic taste in music that my playlists can have everything from Buckwheat Zydeco to Grateful Dead to Oscar Peterson.

What’s your favorite form of exercise?

Playing squash or hiking.

Who is your favorite artist?

Yves Klein, Alberto Giacometti, Cy Twombly and Kazimir Malevich.

What are you reading right now?

Unstill Life by Gabrielle Selz.

Tell us about your style.

I like to keep things simple, but sophisticated. For work it is suit and tie. I try to have fun with different ties, but I keep my suits simple so I don’t clash. I actually don’t own a pair of jeans so when I’m not working it is khakis, sneakers and t-shirts.

What is your favorite item of clothing? Who’s your go-to designer?

I have to say, you’re asking the wrong person here. I have the same Italian tailor that I like to go to for suits, but beyond that I’m not so well-versed in the world of fashion.

What’s your dream car?

I am not a huge car guy, but if I were to get one car it would be a 1965 Lincoln Continental.

What are you looking forward to?

I am always looking forward to my next trip and time with friends and family. We haven’t picked our next destination yet, but whatever it is I’m already looking forward to that time away with people I love. In the very short term, I’m looking forward to my next nice meal out with a great glass of wine.

What skill do wish you had that you don’t currently possess?

Where to start….but playing piano and drawing are on top of my list.

What’s your hidden talent?


What’s the most extravagant thing you’ve ever bought?

A few pieces of art that I have collected over the years.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

A Gund polar bear my aunt gave me the day I was born that I still have all these years later. It has major sentimental value.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Buying new socks. I also would only drink Saratoga sparkling water if I could.

What does luxury mean to you?

Luxury is that slight overindulgence of decadence, and when someone anticipates what you want before you even say it.


Photo Credit: Jake Chessum

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