The Calendar

luxury calendar: the new and not-to-be-missed in september

Smart in all its many forms is the key concept for the luxury class in September. Of course it’s back-to-school season for most of the world, and the time when many top authors release their latest works. In the world of culture, we’re meant to return to serious fare: cerebral and provocative films, plays and musical performances abound. But it’s not all about being book-smart. It’s also about being chic-smart: September brings Fashion Weeks in New York, London, Milan and Paris; design fairs in several major cities; auctions of fabulous clothes and jewels; and museum exhibits about iconic fashion houses and designers. In addition, the entertainment world will be ablaze with award shows, premieres and film festivals (accompanied by de rigueur red carpet looks, natch). The coming of the fall harvest is the catalyst for glorious food and wine festivals. Plus there’ll be football, yacht shows, auto shows and F1 Grand Prix racing. Eat, drink, read and be merry: here’s our Dandelion Chandelier list of the most important events in the luxury ecosystem this month.

In Europe, the weather is expected to be balmy, and annual events in major cities encourage residents and visitors to gather outdoors. The Grande Classique is a popular annual walk from Paris to Versailles; it starts at the steps of the Eiffel Tower and ends 10 miles later at the gates of Château de Versailles – September 24. In London, the Totally Thames month-long festival will encourage visits to the riverbank by focusing on three themes: the river’s history, the 300th anniversary of Handel’s Water Music, and the issue of plastic pollution in rivers and oceans (Maria Arceo’s Future Dust, a large-scale installation made from plastic collected along the river, lights up as night falls). Oktoberfest in Germany will see crowds sample and celebrate the region’s best brews – Sept 16 – October 3.

In Asia, September weather can be unpredictable, with some countries experiencing typhoon or monsoon rains while others see dry crisp days. The month’s celebrations include Malaysia Day (celebrating the coming together of Malaysia, Sarawak, North Borneo and Singapore to form the Malaysian Federation) on the 16th and Navratri, an Indian celebration of the feminine divine form, from Sept 21-29.

Master strategists will convene at the Chess World Cup; 128 grandmasters from around the world will meet in Georgia to compete from Sept 1-25. Environmentalists will gather at the eco-marine Hermanus Whale Festival in South Africa to watch migrating Southern Right whales while taking part in ocean-themed activities and exhibitions with an emphasis on environmentally responsible adventures – September 29 – October 1.

In addition to all of that, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now available at Starbucks (and you’ll find hundreds of other pumpkin spice products everywhere you look). Labor Day in America is the 4th and Defy Superstition Day is the 13th. Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday September 20th at sunset and ends Friday September 22nd at nightfall. The autumnal equinox, the first day of fall, is September 22ndYom Kippur begins Friday September 29th at sunset and ends Saturday September 30th at nightfall.  September is calling. Whether you’re going back to school, back to work, back to serious literature, or back to baking, we hope that this month you’ll experience something new and brilliant.


September 2017 Events:


Food & Drink

Planes, Yachts & Autos

Fitness & Sports

Fashion & Design


The Arts

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