
Welcome to the New Dandelion Chandelier

Today we are one! It’s our first birthday here at Dandelion Chandelier, and it seemed like the perfect time to reflect and renew.

We have had so much fun this year. We hope you have, too. We want to thank everyone who has been vital to our success: our Bureau Chiefs, the Style Editor, the Sports Desk, the Staff Photographer, the Head of Research, our generous advisers, and our friends and family, especially Darling Larry. We appreciate your advice, your encouragement, and your unfailing belief in us. We’ve learned from you and been inspired by you, and we feel lucky to have you on our team.

Most of all, we want to thank you, dear readers. We know how busy you are and how many options you have for spending your precious free time. Thank you for choosing to spend some of it with us. We’ll keep doing our best to ensure that it’s time well spent.

As we start a new year, we’ve reorganized a bit, and we’re proud to unveil the new Dandelion Chandelier. You’ll find the same content, just categorized a bit differently to make it even easier for you to find what’s interesting to you:

  • The Calendar features our monthly roundup of the significant happenings in the global luxury ecosystem. You can go straight to the categories that matter most to you: Travel; Food & Drink; Fashion & Design; Fitness & Sports; Planes, Yachts & Autos; Entertainment; and The Arts. You’ll also find Sparklers: Those who Choose to Shine, our celebration of people around the world who spread light to others in ways large and small.
  • The Lists is our collection of bite-sized reviews and recommendations on the products and places we love, as well as “how to” tips on living life luxuriously. You’ll also find our newest feature, the TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk – for those who need to know about professional sports but have no real interest in it, this is your go-to for just the 3 things you need to know every week, and not a single thing more.
  • Critiques are focused on a single topic, and are a deeper dive in to one luxury product or experience that we love.
  • Essays are intended to be provocative thought- and conversation-starters on the state of global luxury today.
  • Luminaries features guest essays contributed by leaders in their respective fields – it’s a global conversation about luxury, and we’ve brought some interesting and experienced voices to the table.

If you liked the previous categories – Attire, Appetite, Adventure, Assets, Attitude, Athletics, and Avant-Garde – just head to the “filters” and you can find content in those same areas, just like before.

You’ll notice that we have a new tag line, and we think it perfectly captures what we’re trying to do here at Dandelion Chandelier: to inform, inspire, illuminate and energize – to explore the diverse, eclectic, electric world of luxury in a smart, fresh and elegant way. We hope you’ll stay with us on this journey. Year 2 is going to be even more fun.

Dandelion Chandelier: See Luxury in a New Light.

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