Month: July 2017

A Good Night’s Sleep is Now a Luxury Object of Desire

It’s surely not breaking news to you that sleep is the new sex amongst the global elites: people crave it, brag about how much they’re getting, keep running numerical tallies of their experiences, quietly seek instruction on how to get better at it, and secretly cannot manage to get enough of it to satisfy them. The number of nightly hours of successful sleep one can achieve has become a “thing,” and a good night’s sleep has become a luxury item, to be lusted after and fetishized.

Introducing TWIST: What You Need to Know to Talk Sports

Someone brings up the topic of professional sports at work, the gym, or an important social engagement. What’s your reaction? Excitement? Boredom? Stress? Shame? Does the mere mention of scores, trades, stats, spreads and fantasy leagues make you want to lean in? Or are you more inclined to yawn, or roll your eyes, or just scream and run away? If you’re one of those People Who Don’t Follow Professional Sports, but you have a crush on, work for, live with or need to sell something to someone who does, you’ve got a bit of a problem. But no worries – we got you. The TWIST is our new weekly Dandelion Chandelier guide to what’s happened on the field, on the court and on the ice — read this and you’ll know how to talk about this week in sports like a champion.