The Lists

Introducing Sparklers: Those Who Choose to Shine

This week, we’re introducing a new feature here at Dandelion Chandelier called Sparklers: Those Who Choose to Shine.

The world can be a dark place, even in the highest realms of luxury. There’s a surfeit of negative news most days that no amount of money, power or support staff can shield any of us from.

And yet, every day around the world, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten in the next wave of bad headlines.

To inspire us all to keep reaching out, even in the face of disappointment and frustration, every month we’re going celebrate some people or organizations who are radiating light. Sometimes it will be an individual who spontaneously acts out of kindness. Other times it will be an institution or an informal group of people who are cleverly finding ways to support those in need through their investments, their business practices or their time.

To kick things off, here’s a Sparkler that caught our eye this week: pro golfer Matt Kutchar hit a hole-in-one on the 16th hole at the Masters this weekend, and he immediately gave the ball to a 10-year old fan in the gallery.

It was a lovely gesture, but what really moved us was the speed with which it was made – it was if he didn’t have to think about it at all, that generosity was his default position.

Instinctive kindness – what a great character trait!

We’ll keep sharing the stories of inspiring Sparklers, and as you find them, please share them with us.

Let’s all choose to shine.

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