Month: April 2017

Meaningful Experiences are the Greatest Luxury of All

The luxuries that are most engaging to me right now are the non-material ones. For me, luxury is all about having the opportunity to see and experience things that add meaning to my life, not just surrounding myself with stuff. I know many successful women share my view. When you can buy yourself anything, you think twice about acquiring luxurious objects for their own sake. I now take luxury in spending time with the people important to me, in magical places, and supporting the causes and craftspeople who align with my values. That’s not to say that I never want to buy beautiful things! It’s just that I want to understand their origin, and ideally I want them to stand for something. That has led me away from big corporate brands and toward individual artists. Part of the luxury of purchasing their work is knowing the authentic stories behind what they create. For example, I am lucky to know the founders of two my favorite jewelry brands, Bowen NYC and Foundrae, both based here in New York. These …

April’s Sparklers: Those Who Choose to Shine

Every month here at Dandelion Chandelier we like to celebrate the people, groups and institutions who have spread light in the world recently, even in the midst of great darkness. Every day around the world, people choose to shine in ways large and small. These moments of grace don’t always get reported on, and unfortunately they can be quickly forgotten. To inspire us all to keep reaching out, here are some Sparklers that caught our attention in recent weeks:

F.Words: How to Look Obscenely Chic on the Go

What does the modern luxury consumer demand from a modern luxury brand? The ability to answer that question accurately is worth a great deal of money. I recently met an enterprising entrepreneur who may have nailed it. She may also have found that most elusive of Holy Grails: a pair of leggings that are actually flattering, chic and comfortable. Hallelujah!