
Grab Your Shades: In 2 Days, It’s Going to Be Really Bright

We promised you that coming soon, we would be launching a new initiative here at Dandelion Chandelier. And that day is finally almost here!

On Tuesday March 7, we’ll unveil the first in a series of guest essays by our Luminaries.

Eloquent accomplished experts in their fields, with sharp insights and generous hearts, our Luminaries are lights-out smart. We’ve asked them to share their thoughts about modern luxuries, great and small, and they haven’t disappointed us. They’ve come at the subject from some fascinating angles. You’ll learn how to travel the world in style with only a carry-on bag; why it’s vital to increase your understanding of what luxury means to you; how novelists have envisioned luxury, and whether or not they’ve kept pace with the new class of uber-rich individuals in the world; and how your personal network may be the most valuable luxury asset you’ll ever possess.

When we launched Dandelion Chandelier, we wanted it to feel like a lively, informed and informative conversation with people you like and trust. We think having contributors like these share their thoughts with us from time to time will be like being at a great dinner party.

So take your place at the table, and let us know what you think. And let’s choose to shine.

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