Month: February 2017

Is Predictability the New Surprise?

The American Presidential Election. Super Bowl LI. The Oscars. Call us crazy, but at Dandelion Chandelier we see a pattern here. At three iconic events in American life in the past six months, everything that “everyone” expected, even very close to the end, turned out to be wrong – in one case, even after an official announcement had been made and the acceptance speech had begun. One of these incidents on its own might be interesting. Three in a row is riveting. What’s going on here?

Premium Pucks: How to Make a Hockey Game Luxurious

Can ice hockey actually be a luxury experience? With Hockey Day in America having just been celebrated last Sunday, this query seems timely. We asked our Dandelion Chandelier Boston Bureau Chief to weigh in on this profound issue, as the common understanding of the sport doesn’t generally include the word “luxury.” Turns out, there is such a thing as haute ice.