Month: January 2017

Hollywood or Broadway: Where’s the Best Musical of the Year?

Hollywood musicals are clearly making a comeback, with the film LA LA Land now a critical darling sweeping the film awards season. But in the higher reaches of culture, an interesting conversation is underway among the cognoscenti. If you love musicals, which is a better place to find them right now? Los Angeles or New York? The cinema or the stage? In other words: is La La Land really all that?

Banish Boring: Brilliant Ways to Keep Your Workout Fresh

If you’re like many of us, you kind of hate working out indoors. Running is a fundamentally different experience on the open road than it is on a treadmill. Love the former, hate the latter (there’s a reason that the phrase “stuck on the treadmill” doesn’t evoke a happy place). But sometimes, for weeks on end, you have to exercise inside. Or maybe you’re cool with working out at the gym, but you’re in a rut because it’s the same-old, same-old day after day. We went in search of fresh new luxury classes and techniques to keep us all on point until spring – and beyond. Here are some inspiring ideas:

Lost Luxuries: The Bygone Thrill of the Old Four Seasons

It’s been six months, and we still miss the Four Seasons restaurant that reigned supreme for so long at Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s landmark Seagram Building on Park Avenue in New York City. We know, time marches on, especially in Manhattan. But when we here at Dandelion Chandelier think about wonderfully luxurious products and experiences that are well and truly lost, this one is high on our list.