Month: December 2016

How to Celebrate a Luxurious Kwanzaa This Year

The African-American and Pan-African holiday of Kwanzaa begins on December 26th and lasts for seven days, and at Dandelion Chandelier we’re really looking forward to celebrating it with family and friends. You don’t have to be of African heritage to join in – all are welcome. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the holiday’s founding. Here are some ideas to help you celebrate with a spirit of optimism, discovery, remembrance and style.

Share Luxury Jewels to Make this Party Season Sparkle

It’s full-tilt party season, and if you’re like many people, you’re already wishing that your jewelry box was better stocked. Depending on your social calendar, you may be attending a dozen parties (or more) and if you want to shine at all of them, it would be really fun to show up sporting new baubles every time. In the past, this would have been a hopeless dream for most of us. Even raiding the caches of our mothers, sisters, and besties wouldn’t really suffice. But thanks to the sharing economy, the dream is becoming a reality. Yay! If you need more bling in your life, and you’re willing to share with other like-minded people, read on.

Is Smart Luxury Technology Making Us All Really Stupid?

Nike launched the HyperAdapt, its first self-tying shoe, at the beginning of December – some in the press heralded the long-awaited moment as “Back to the Future 2” finally coming to life. And it’s hard not to smile at the thought of magical shoe laces: animating prosaic objects into self-determined, chatty and charming companions has made Disney a fortune (NB: Frozen, Beauty and the Beast). So it’s hard to imagine how Nike could go wrong with this idea, even at the rather ambitious price point of $720 per pair. Surely version 2.0 will be able to chat with you as you prepare to head out for a run, and perhaps even coach you as you exercise.

Why do Billionaires Go to the Big Global Art Fairs?

Art Basel in Miami Beach wrapped up last week, and the perpetual party that is South Florida is just a little bit quieter for now. On a recent afternoon in New York, I sat down with a friend who is deeply expert in contemporary art and asked him a simple question: what is it with billionaires and art? And why do so many extraordinarily wealthy people attend these big art fairs, like Art Basel Miami, year after year? He smiled as he glanced out at the glum, rainy, cold Manhattan sidewalk scene. “Well for one, it’s in Miami Beach.”

Escape Elegantly: Best Luxury Suitcases to Buy Right Now

There’s a great deal of change underway in the luxury luggage category right now. With year-end vacations looming and holiday shopping underway, we here at Dandelion Chandelier thought that this would be the perfect time to test-drive some roller bags, test the IQs of the latest round of “smart” suitcases, and help you make your great escape in style, whether you’re headed for the sand or for the snow.